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Q: Serb leaders wanted the rule order and prestige of the old serbian empire that had been strong during the?
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Serb leaders wanted the rule order and prestige of the old serbian empire that had what?

The Serb leaders wanted the rule, order, and prestige of the old Serbian empire that had been strong during this period of time.

Serb leaders wanted the rule order and prestige of the old Serbian empire that had been strong during the .?

middle ages

When was Serbian Empire created?

Serbian Empire was created in 1346.

What is the area of Serbian Empire?

The area of Serbian Empire is 250.001 square kilometers.

Who were the leaders during romes decline?

The leaders of the Roman empire during its decline were the emperors.

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It symbolizes the power and prestige of the French Empire during its time. Absolutism.

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Who found Serbia?

Modern Serbia was founded during First serbian Uprising in 1804 (part of Serbian revolution) when Serbian rebels led by Djordje Petrovic (a.k.a Karadjordje) fought Ottoman forces and was eventualy defeated in 1814. Serbs were first Balkan nation to rebelg against Ottoman empire.

Is alex smith Serbian?

Smith's great-grandfathers was an Austrian immigrant of Serbian descent who immigrated to the U.S. when he was 12 years old during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. To honor him, Smith, his brothers, and his father are each tattooed with four firesteels, the traditional Serbian cross. Smith's sisters planned to do the same

What race is Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla was of Serbian descent. He was born in modern-day Croatia, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Tesla's parents were Serbian Orthodox and he identified himself as Serbian.

What did Venetian leaders do during the Fourth Crusade?

They used the situation to weaken their greatest commercial competitor, the Byzantine Empire.

Who were the Romans eastern empire political leaders?

the roman eastern empire's political leaders were their own emperors, but it is NOT the same with the western roman empire.