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Q: The French Revolution is marked by a change in production from making things one-at-a-time by hand to making hundreds of items at a time by machines?
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Is The French Revolution is marked by a change in production from making things one-at-a-time by hand to making hundreds of items at a time by machines.?


Led to production by machines using steam and electricity?

The Industrial Revolution

What Led to production by machines using steam and electricity?

The invention of steel led to increased production by steam powered and electrical machines. This technology advanced quickly during the American Industrial Revolution.

What is a period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production that began in the mid-1700s?

the industrial revolution

Invention of machines caused this revolution?

Industrial Revolution

What production is when cars are built by automated machines?

Flow production

What was created in the industrial revolution?

machines and technology was created in the industrial revolution

Which creation of the Second Industrial Revolution negatively affected skilled workers?


What was the Revolution that involved the transition from hand tools to machines?

The "Industrial" revolution or...the "Expenditure of Mankind".

What revolution was caused by inventions of machines?

The Industrial Revolution was caused by use of machines. The same may happen with the use of robots later in the next few years.

What is the idustrial revolution?

The industrial revolution refers to the rapid transformation of manufacturing and production processes that took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was characterized by the shift from hand production to machine-based manufacturing, the development of new technologies, and the growth of factories and industrialized cities. The industrial revolution had a profound impact on economic, social, and cultural aspects of society.

Eli Whitney and Samuel Slater were important to the early Industrial Revolution in the US because they?

Whitney invented new machines such as the cotton gin, and interchangeable parts. That helped production of cotton in the north. Slater was a factory worker in Britain he studied the machines then secretly came to New England and started a factory based on Britain's ideas triggering the start of the Industrial Revolution.