It was dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945. The second was August 9, 1945 on Nagasaki.
The atomic bomb has been tested in many parts of the world but it was used as a weapon in World War II when one each was dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
To save millions more lives that would have been spent in a drawn out conventional war with imperial Japan, the scientists in the United States (ahead of Nazi Germany, who was also working on the atomic bomb) created the bomb to escalate the war with Japan. They ignored the first bomb dropped on Hiroshima, but the Empire of Japan decided they could not win and surrendered to the US shortly after a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
the atomic bomb was dropped on two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) then a month later World War 2 ended. world warII happened
The military project to develop the US atomic bomb was the Manhattan Project. It included the first successful fission chain reaction in December, 1942, and culminated in the first atomic test explosion at Alamagordo, NM on July 16, 1945. Two bombs built under the project were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
b- hiroshima
Hiroshima was the first to be bombed in World War 2.
On August 6, 1945, the first Atomic bomb was dropped on japan. Another was dropped on August 9,1945 which ended WWII. Those are the only times in the history of warfare that an Atomic weapon was used.
The city of Hiroshima was the place where the first atomic bomb was dropped.
The Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb.
The city that tested the first atom bomb was in Alamogordo, New Mexico. If you are looking where the US dropped it on enemies, then it would be in Nagasaki, Japan
It was dropped by the United States by orders of President Truman over Hiroshima, Japan.
The man who dropped the 1st atomic bomb said "BOMBS AWAY!"
"fat man" was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagaski. "little boy" was dropped in Hiroshima.
The location of the first atomic bomb which was dropped was on Hiroshima on August 6th 1945.
the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki