How did Germany become powerful enough to almost take over the entire Eastern Hemisphere?
Why did the Russians really invade Manchuria?
Why was the Normandy invasion successful?
Why did Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and the Netherlands fall so easily?
Why was the beginning of the war called the "Phony War?"
How was France so handily defeated?
Why did Mussolini invade Ethiopia?
Why did Hitler invade Northern Africa?
Why did it take two nuclear explosions to force Japan into unconditional surrender?
Big and Bigger. Please ask answerable questions if you want a sensible answer.
What year did it begin is a good question
The questions you may want to ask differs on what area you want to know about. Here are some areas for examples: Tanks and Guns During World War 2How civilians coped during the war?Cause of WW2Result/Consequences of World War 2Who was involved?How many people diedHow did it endBattles of World War 2Massacres/Genocide during and after World War 2 e.g. the Holocaust and the Dachau Massacre.There is many more areas. Various areas such as: the Holocaust, Cause of World War 2 can be quitecontroversialand people may have their views abut it.
Please ask one question at a time. Both of these questions have already been answered, so look up "When did World War I End?" and "How many people died in World War I?"
How long until World War 3
What about them? Be more detailed in your questions.
You could throw it further.
One question is what really happened in world war twoAnther is what caused world war two and who won.
Big and Bigger. Please ask answerable questions if you want a sensible answer.
Nothing, all they could do was amputate it.
It may have been considered possible once, as the close of World War 2 did lead to the Cold War, which very nearlly turned into a Nuclear war. However it can be said that any Nuclear war could have it's roots in World war 2 as the Nuclear weapon has it's roots in World war 2. Also if a Asian Communist nation was to start World war 3then that could be traced back to the Cold war and that in itself could be traced back to World war 2. It's all just a matter of perspective, for example; many causes of World war 2 have their roots in World war 1 so any war that could be traced back to the Cold war could then be blamed on events of World war 2 and in turn could be linked to the outcome of World war 1. So their is no yes or no answer as it really depends on how you look at it.
yes or you could get that gunlike thing that i have
You could say Used an atomic bomb
Why do you ask such stupida$$ questions
this stupid website doesn't answer your questions :(
No....why do you ask these questions..