British North AmericaYes, it was called British North America. This was to designate where we now call Canada. It was called British North America because the British had control over hear and it was to the North of America (It still is). The AcadiansIf you are wondering about the Acadians they lived in where we now call Atlantic Canada but they call Acadia. The Acadians were French Immigrants/Settlers.
The British wanted the Acadians to agree to the Oath of Allegiance, which they did to avoid any further complications. But for some reason it didn't get sent back to Britain so the British thought that the Acadians were against them and that is why the British deported them in 1755.
The Acadians were descendants from France, so when the British took control of the acadians, they said they didn't want to take sides, they would not fight in a war agaisnt their own, nor would they fight against the British. The British did not trust the acadians, they thought they would turn their back on them so they decided to deport them. Every day leading up to the deportation, the acadians lived in fear but had to live their lives as normally as possible.
are the descendants of the 17th-century French colonists who settled in Acadia, a colony of New France. The colony was located in what is now Eastern Canada's Maritime provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island), as well as part of Quebec, and present-dayMaine to the Kennebec River. Although today most of the Acadians and Québécoisare French speaking (francophone) Canadians, Acadia was a distinct colony of New France, and was geographically and administratively separate from the French colony of Canada (modern day Quebec), which led to Acadians and Québécois developing two rather distinct histories and cultures.[3]The settlers whose descendants became Acadians came from "all the regions of France but coming predominantly directly from the cities".
The Acadian's left France because they refused to declare allegiance to Britain. They were suspicious of outsiders and were forced to leave the region.
The Acadians were French settlers in Canada who were ultimately expelled by the British. They migrated mostly to Louisiana.
They were called the Acadians
Acadians celebrate their unique identity by having their very own national holidays. This is called National Acadian Day.
The Acadians were mostly Roman Catholic.
French Settlers called Acadians in 1755.
French Settlers called Acadians in 1755.
little kids is what the Acadians liked to eat
200 years.
The expulsion of the acadians was NOT legal. The british colonies expelled them anyways.
When the Britain feared that the Acadians could go to France and defeat them they made the Acadians sign a decloration but when the Acadians refused a utrech was signed and acadians were kicked out of there homes,farms,and went going off to France for help
yes we do! the Acadians left the Dykes behind and that proofs it!