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Here are a few world events that were very important:

  • Sailing
  • Currency
  • The Printing Press
  • The Bible
  • Western Colonization
  • Electricity
  • Flight
  • Cloning of Dolly the Sheep
  • Computers

There are many others, but I can't remember some of them, if I think of them I will add more.

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16y ago

World War I World War II The Cold War The Great Depression The Fall of The Roman Empire The Dawn of the Nuclear Age (Bombing of Japan by the U.S.) The Bombing Pear Harbor The Fall of the Shah of Iran The creation of the State of Israel The recreation of the Palestinian State

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16y ago

People may disagree, but I would suggest

* Life begins (date unknown) (This might be refined to "human" life begins)

* The discovery of fire (date unknown) * The first use of tools (date unknown) * The invention of the wheel (date unknown) * The invention of writing (date unknown)

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