The Dark Ages. This is a period when we have very few records of.
The Greeks went into the Dark Age
The Aeolians and the Dorians revived the trade of ancient Greece by bringing forth the agriculture of grapes and olives.
The Dark Ages is a term referring to the perceived periodof cultural decline or societal collapse that took place in Western Europe between the fall of Rome and the eventual recovery of learning. (Wikipedia)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.
beacause it was said to be dark before the 19th century
Migrations or invasions.
because nobody really knows what caused the changes between two periods in Greece history
it caused civil wars to break out
Yes Greece does get dark.
well they expande greek culture and and they grew enoough to feed their families
the three types of government after the dark age in Greece are.......... Amber W
there is no difference
there is no difference
1 positive chane was the new alphabet and 2nd they invented the agora which was below the acropolis with a market and a meeting place.
the alphabet changed, the Dorians moved south. People began to farm again and to produce food. So in other words trade revived. One benefit was a new way of writing. and that's what changes occurred in the dark ages. Dorians had to settle in Peloponnesus
1 positive chane was the new alphabet and 2nd they invented the agora which was below the acropolis with a market and a meeting place.
From farmlands with a central citadel as refuge, cities developed from the 7th Century onwards, with a range of physical, religious and cultural amenities based on a walled city with increasing amenities and prosperity. Civilisation progressively replaced the Dark Age of survival in a hostile environment.