World War 1 unfolded into World War two, after the allies created the Versailles Treaty, and made Germany pay over $20,000,000.00 in reparations to the allies, and were forced to divide their land. Germany was angered, so they found a new leader, Adolf Hitler, and they thought that he could bring their country back to glory.
I hope this is what you were looking for!
The proper noun forms for the first world war is World War 1, World War I, or World War One.
A war, known as World War 2.
YES it was
Yes World War 1 is a European War.
Perhaps the war needed to occur before the other events of revelation could unfold.
Unfold the Future was created in 2002-06.
Unfold is a verb that means to spread out from a folded position. Therefore it can be used in the following possible sentences:You have to unfold your serviette before using it.She opened the envelope, took a second to unfold the letter, then read it.I unfold my shirts the night before wearing them so they don't have a crease.
The accented syllable in the word unfold is the second syllable ([un-FOLD] - /ʌnˈfoʊld/ in IPA).
I can give you several sentences.It will be exciting to watch the action unfold on that TV show.You need to unfold the towels and refold them into a neater pile.The flower's petals will unfold once the sun hits it.
How does George’s attitude toward his hometown change as events unfold?
Unfold - John O'Callaghan album - was created on 2011-04-07.
The first stages of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) began to unfold.
To unfold a futon, it should come down from the side. How a futon unfolds can also depend on what kind it is as well.