What does Jee Won (Korean boy's name) mean?
The name Shania means: Beautiful.
Cristóbal is the Spanish name for Christopher.
It does not mean awesome, that is for sure.
Heinz Reichert's birth name is Heinz Reichert.
Kittens Reichert's birth name is Catherine Alma Reichert.
Scott Reichert's birth name is Scott McCrorie.
Tim Rykert's birth name is Reichert, Tim.
Frank Reicher's birth name is Franz Reichert.
Rachelle Tylo's birth name is Rachelle Reichert.
Amy Reichert is 5'.
Robert Reichert is the mayor of Macon City, Georgia.
Ossi Reichert was born in 1925.
Don Reichert was born in 1932.
Brent Reichert is 6' 4".
Daniel Reichert is 6' 2".