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What map? You question cannot be answered the way it is asked because we don't see the map.

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Kaia Paucek

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Q: What does this map suggest to you about the power and influence of the Greeks and Romans?
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Who were the Greeks chief rivals?

Mostly each other. I'm serious, Greeks loved killing other Greeks. Most of their notable wars were against one another, with Athens and Sparta being well-known enemies.Back in the earliest days, the Greeks primary enemy were the Minoans, based on Crete. But they shared language and religion, which alludes to them being closely related.Later, they fought against the Trojan, a group that were essentially a Greek off-shoot, again with the same religion and language.Later still, they faced the Persians, which were a REAL enemy from outside their realm of influence and nearly wiped them off the map. After the fall of the Persians, the Greeks rose to power under the Macedonians, and after that fell to the Romans and later to the Ottoman Turks.

Why did the know-nothings gain power in the 1840s?

Many people feared the influence of immigrants on politics

Did the Anglo-Saxons battle the Romans?

There were some minor incursions before 410AD but they did not really have too because the Roman legions left before they arrived. It was in fact the power vacuum left by the Romans which the Anglo-Saxons filled. They fought against the native Britons.

Why is china so resistant to western influence?

China is so resistant to the western influence because they are a proud people who are very proud of their culture. China is also resistant to western influence because they have the financial power which can match that of the west.

Before the nineteenth century which nation or continent were least affected by Europesn power and influence?


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Did the Greeks or the Romans give veto power?

Romans did and I beleive the Greeks did too but I'm not positive

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Greeks - as the Romans were not yet a major power: but the people we know for Greeks did not call themselves Greek when warring with Troy.

What did the Greeks and Romans believe in?

The Greeks and Romans believed that that gods controlled the world.

What caused the Greeks to lose power to the Romans?

Because of mom making her luch box Marge

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When a big civilization falls, and a new one rises. ex: the power of the Romans and Greeks fell, Dark ages started.

What civilizations organized their societies around their religion?

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Mayans organized their societies around their religious beliefs. These societies often had religious leaders who held significant power and influence, and many aspects of daily life were intertwined with religious practices and rituals.

How did the Romans gain control over themselves from the Etruscans?

At about 600 BC, a group of people called the Etruscans took power in Rome. At about 509 BC, the Romans revolted and drove the Etruscans out of power in Rome, but did adopt some of their ideas, such as the Greek Alphabet, which the Etruscans adopted from the Greeks.

Who were the Greeks chief rivals?

Mostly each other. I'm serious, Greeks loved killing other Greeks. Most of their notable wars were against one another, with Athens and Sparta being well-known enemies.Back in the earliest days, the Greeks primary enemy were the Minoans, based on Crete. But they shared language and religion, which alludes to them being closely related.Later, they fought against the Trojan, a group that were essentially a Greek off-shoot, again with the same religion and language.Later still, they faced the Persians, which were a REAL enemy from outside their realm of influence and nearly wiped them off the map. After the fall of the Persians, the Greeks rose to power under the Macedonians, and after that fell to the Romans and later to the Ottoman Turks.

Was Apollo the only sun god?

No. The Greeks had two sun gods, Apollo, who drew his power from the sun, and Helios, who drove the sun chariot. The Romans downsized to Apollo only.

How did the Punic wars affect roman life?

After the Romans defeated Hannibal and salted the site of Carthage, they consolidated their victory by taking possession of the Carthaginian territories around the Mediterranean. This lead to Rome having an empire to administer, and to its influence over the Greeks. Thus, the Punic wars lead to Rome becoming the dominant power in the Mediterranean world.

What does this map suggest to you about the power and influence of the Greek and Roman?

What map? You question cannot be answered the way it is asked because we don't see the map.

What was the situation in western europe when charlemagne took power?

Western Europe had been falling into decay. People had forgotten the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans. The Franks had become barbarians and neglected education and Christianity.