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Q: What four countries made up the Barbary States?
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What countries made up the area known as the Barbary states

What are all the UK states?

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. These are not technically states, but are considered constituent countries of the UK.

The four main countries that made up the allied power during WW2?

During World War 2, there were thirty-two official countries listed as the Allied Powers. The chief Allied Powers were Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States and China.

Where was derringer made?

They have been made in many states and countries

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Products made in United States sell in other countries depending on trading laws and the countries relationship with the U.S.

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Scandinavia is made up of four countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

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There are no states or countries on Antarctica.

When the US refused to pay a bribe who made war on the US?

The Barbary Pirates.

Is the united states made up of 50 parts?

The United States does have 50 states. There are also different countries.

Does the UK have any states?

The UK is made up of four states, but they are generally called countries. These are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Although the latter three have some autonomy (called "devolved government"), about 85% of the population lives in England.

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type of map shows human-made features such as borders, and countries

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type of map shows human-made features such as borders, and countries