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alpine glaciation

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Q: What glacial features form in mountainous areas?
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What is horn and where does one form?

A glacial horn is the most extreme type of pyramidal peak. A glacial horn is often known as a horn, which is a mountaintop that has been modified by the action of ice in glaciation and frost weathering. Glacial horns are formed by glacial erosion in mountainous areas.

What are the types of features that form from glacial erosion?

Glacial Erosion formed Yosemite Valley and the Sierra Nevada

Can glacial ice form during the duration of a single winter season in most glacial areas?


Escher's are glacial features formed when .?

Escher's are glacial features formed when meltwater streams underneath a glacier, creating tunnels and channels that can collapse to form depressions on the glacier's surface. These features can disrupt or alter the glacier's flow and structure.

What glacial features results from deposition?

Moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains are glacial features that result from deposition. Moraines are ridges of till deposited along the edges of a glacier, drumlins are elongated hills of glacial till, eskers are long, winding ridges of sand and gravel, and outwash plains are flat areas of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing away from the glacier.

Sharp ridges separating glacial valleys?

These sharp ridges are called arêtes, which form where glaciers erode and carve away the rock on either side of the divide between two glaciers. Over time, the erosive action of the ice sculpts a sharp ridge between the glacial valleys. A classic example of these features can be found in mountainous regions such as the European Alps.

What are granites features?

Being a hard, resistant rock type, granite commonly forms mountainous features at the surface and weathers to form characteristic "tor" features.

Is a glacial lake a result of deposition or erosion?

A glacial lake is typically a result of both erosion and deposition. Glacial erosion carves out depressions in the landscape, creating basins where water accumulates. Meanwhile, glacial deposition can form moraines or other features that dam up water and contribute to the formation of a glacial lake.

What are the similarities and differences between glacial and continental glaciers?

Similarities: Both glacial and continental glaciers are large masses of ice that move slowly over land due to gravity. They both hold massive amounts of freshwater locked in their ice. Differences: Glacial glaciers are smaller and form in mountainous regions, while continental glaciers are much larger ice sheets that cover vast land areas. Glacial glaciers tend to move faster due to steeper slopes, while continental glaciers move more slowly due to their immense size.

What of the following glacial features results from deposition a moraine?

A terminal moraine is a glacial feature that results from deposition. Terminal moraines are long, low ridges of debris that mark the furthest advance of a glacier.

What conditions are necessary for a glacier to form?

Glaciers form when snow accumulates and compresses into ice over time, typically in regions where more snow falls than melts. The presence of cold temperatures year-round is crucial for maintaining glacial ice. Additionally, the topography must allow for the build-up of snow and ice, such as in mountainous areas or polar regions.

Do tornadoes form on endless hills?

Contrary to popular belief tornadoes can and do form in hilly areas. The are also common in flat areas as well. On rarer occasions tornadoes have also formed in mountainous regions.