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1774 Louis XVI placed Turgot in charge of finances and introduced free circulation of grain. Founded School of Medicine in Paris.

1775 Droits d'octroi were reduced, prison reform begun, and the death penalty for deserters was abolished.

1776 The king signed the six edicts of Turgot comprising the abolition of the corvee. The parlements resisted the edicts, preventing them from becoming law. In the same year he reduced his household.

1778 More taxes reduced.

1779 The king abolished servitude and other reforms were made.

1780 Further reductions in the Royal household were made, hospital reform was begun, prison reform continued, most torture was abolished.

1784 Relief given to Jews.

1786 More hospital reform, aid to the deaf, and provisions made for lost children.

1787 Steps taken towards the total abolition of the corvee, more reductions in royal household, civil rights accorded to Jews and Protestants.

1788 All forms of torture were abolished, greater freedom given to press, steps towards abolition of lettres de cachet.

All of the above is taken from Nesta Webster's Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette during the Revolution, but it is a matter of public record. Anyone who thinks Louis XVI was a lazy, sluggish, do-nothing king need only examine the six volumes of laws passed during his reign. He wanted to reform the feudal tax system, which is why he called the Estates-General. If all the nobles and wealthy clergy had been minimally taxed, there would have been no deficit.

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12y ago

His executioner declared that he died like a man.

Well yes but king louis XVI is what basically started the french revolution because the he raised the prices if bread and raised taxes. This act made the peasants mad because they were giving the king all their money while he had all the bread he wanted. This is what started the french revolution...

There were too many peasants to control so the king gave up..

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15y ago

He was indecisive weak hearted and did not know how to reign a country. He was a good and decent man, but due to his insecurities and low self esteem he lacked the courage to successfully reign France. Also, a lot of researchers feel that even if there had been a strong French King on the throne at that time, they doubt whether the revolution could have been prevented, since Louis XVI inherited such an enormous state debt when he entered the throne and that was the real reason the French revolted. Any other strong King would have had the same debt do deal with.

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15y ago

First of all, he was a very good, decent, kind and warmhearted man. He only wanted his people to be happy and to be a good and kind King to them. What did he do wrong, well, he was too soft, too indecisive (he simply couldn't make up his mind about what to do about important issues. He doubted so long, that the opportunity to make a decision had gone by and there was no more choice to make), he was not the firm and strong leader France was so desperately in need of. Also, researcher doubt whether if he had been, the revolution could have been prevented, eversince revolutionary ideas were already smouldering in France long before Louis XVI came to power. You could say that Louis XIV and Louis XV started the revolution, because they left Louis XVI with such a huge debt, he could never make that up.

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13y ago

he was finally accused of treason as he tried to escape France to go to Belgium with his family, but he was caught by the border by supporters of the revolution who returned him to Paris and he was declared a traitor for trying to leave while his people were starving and his government was so heavily in debt, so they killed him

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He had dismissed his grandfather's ministers.

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He provided military equipment and support during the American Revolution.

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He was guillotined.

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