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Before WWI, Russia had been ruled by Tsars, similar to Kings. After WWI, Russia was a communist country known as the Soviet Union. It would be a communist country until 1990, when it became Russia again.

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The state capitalist USSR was set up.

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Q: What happened politically in Russia after World War 1?
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How did World War 1 damage Russia politically and Economically?

from the begining of the world war till the end of the Russian civil war about 40 milion Russians died plus russia wasnt a kingdom anymore

What immediately happened before the communist revolution in Russia?

World War II

What happened to Russia's money after World War 1?

they lost 8 billion just in war debts.

What happened Russia in 1950?

Russia was in an interesting position after World War II. In 1950, the country entered into what became known as the Cold War with the United States.

What happened with Russia when the war ended?

At the end of World War II, Russia brought down the 'Iron Curtain' (1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991) in an effort to separate Russia and its satellite countries from open contact with the West.

How did D-Day affect World War 2 politically?

it didn't affect it politically

When did Russia join World War I?

Russia joined world war 1 in 1914

How did war affect each country in World War 1?

The war affected all the six main players of world war one (UK, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary) by affecting them socially, politically, economically and militarily. As a matter of fact, Germany suffered the greatest loss.

What happened politically to Germany after world war 2 and how long did this last?

It was divided into two states until the 1970s by the winning nations. It was left isolated from the international community.

What was Russia's war debt after world war 1?

World War 1 left Russia's economy in complete devastation. By the end of the war Russia had 8,000,000,000 rubles of debt.

Which leader took Russia out of World War I?

Vladimir Lenin took Russia out of World War 1.

What happened to US Russia relations at the close of World War 1?

At the end of World War II United State Russian relations largely deteriorated. (We should have just listened to Patton)