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We must be clear that when speaking of the Russian revolution, there are two possibilities. One was the women's day revolution leading into the Kerensky provisional government, or the one that soon followed: the so-called "October Revolution". Usually, when referring to the Russian Revolution, the Lenin-lead October Revolution is implied.

Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which described the Marxist communist political ideology. This ideology was the one that revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky wanted to implement in the Russian society with the Russian revolution.

Marxism was however not fully adopted. Lenin made alterations to the ideology and created Leninist Marxist Communism, usually reffered to only as Leninism. Leninism stipulates that the armed revolution Marx predicted would not be successful unless guided by a revolutionary elite. Marx had stated that the revolution would simply erupt as a natural response to evils inherent in class-based societies, and did not seem to think that Lenin's guidance was needed.

However, Marx's impact on the Russian revolution was purely in ideology. Marx took no active part in the revolution, as he was dead at the time of it (1917)

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TheBolshevik Revolution (or coup) had no connection with Marx’s ideas, other than using his name.

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Q: What impact did Karl Marx had with the Russian revolution?
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