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History is reality of past events.

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Q: What is history a fiction or reality?
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Is reality stranger than fiction?

It depends on what your reality is like.

Is engineered antonym of reality?

Fiction is.

Are zombies fiction or non fiction?

Zombies are fiction; they don't exist. Fiction is fantasy, or not factual. Non-fiction is factual or reality.

How are fiction and non-fiction the same?

Fiction is based on imagination - not real.Nonfiction is based on reality - fact...they're not the same.

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Peter Hansen has written: 'Romanen och verklighetsproblemet' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Swedish fiction, Reality in literature

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The antonym (opposite) of the word fantasy would be reality, or truth.

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According to the writer Dan Brown it is fiction...

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Dominik Enste has written: 'Increasing shadow economies all over the world - fiction or reality?' -- subject(s): History, Informal sector (Economics)

Is Robin Hood a fiction or non-fiction story?

fictionalized history. but non fiction

Is code talker fiction or non fiction?

Non-Fiction...It was a real part of history!