The Magna Carta is not necessarily the oldest document in history. It is however, the oldest document that resembles the United States constitution.
the Old-Stone Age
A Classicist or an Ancient Historian
That would depend on whether that explorer,s history is to be recorded or inferred. Inferred = The first humans to leave Africa made history by beginning the human colonization of the planet. I believe one of the oldest recorded historical tale is that of Gilgamesh.
The Histories by Herodotus an ancient Greek written 450-420 BC, seems to be the oldest history text I have heard off. Admittedly it was about the Mediterranean area, but I think that was the World as far as we in the west knew at that time.
= Who was second oldest couple in history time? =
The Oldest football player in history of football is George Blanda.
The division between Sunnis and Shiits is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam.
The Magna Carta is not necessarily the oldest document in history. It is however, the oldest document that resembles the United States constitution.
The Chronchler is the very oldest panda on panfu history!
Lilith or Lilitu is technically the oldest vampyre in history
the dutch
The Mind
4 cultures are categlorized as the 4 oldest cultures in history.1.Babylon2.Hindu3.Chinese4.EgyptianI think Chinese culture isn't the oldest but one of the oldest in the history of human civilizations.(list is NOT ordered from oldest to latest.)