Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to accept blame for WWI. The war was actually sparked by the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand by Galio Princip--a Serbian terrorist.
the war left behind destruction and bitterness in those nations
This is because Utah rebelled against Canada which is why the league of nations wasn't part of world war 1
There were over a hundred countries that were not part of World War I.
The League of Nations
The League of Nations was formed after World War 1, as part of the Peace Treaties that ended that war.
World War 1 World War 1
23 nations.
The league of nations was created after World War 1 at the behest of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia
The person most responsible for triggering World War 1 was Gavrilo Princip, Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassin. This led to war between Serbia and Austria with Germany and other nations joining in to help either side.
the war left behind destruction and bitterness in those nations
The League of Nations was formed at the end of World War One, the United Nations was formed at the end of World War II.
the war left behind destruction and bitterness in those nations
the League of Nations did