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Q: What process was supposed to help people use their bodies after death?
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What process was supposed to help people preserve their bodies after death?

The embalming process.

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Polar bodies undergo apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death. This process is initiated when certain signaling pathways are activated, leading to the fragmentation and death of the polar bodies.

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supposed to represent the death and resurrection of Jesus

How does Great Britain deal with death?

The bodies of people who die in Great Britain are buried or cremated.

When was Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death created?

Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death was created in 1971.

What was the process of rebirth is the central belief of Hinduism?

Hinduism believe in a theory called reincarnation (punarjanma). according to this there is life after death and death after life. we are trapped in the cycle of life and death. soul never dies it just changes the bodies.

What were the early Egyptian religious beliefs?

Early Egyptians believed in life after death. Rich people and Pharohs would preserve their bodies through a process called mummification. So that their spirit would recognize their body and use it as a home.

What is Death and Burial during black death?

So many people died each day that mass graves were dug. In some places the bodies were burned.

Why did the Eygptians preserve bodies of dead people?

Egyptians believed in life after death and believed that the same mortal body would be reborn in afterlife. Therefore they preserved bodies by mummyfying.

What were two ways people reacted to the spreading of the black death?

Two ways people reacted to the black death is1. They prayed much more2. They burnt the bodies of victimsThe song "Ring around theRosie" is made after the black death

What was put on doors for people with the black death?

When a family had people that had died from the black death, they put an X on their door that way the person that came around taking the dead bodies would know that there was people that were dead inside that house

Why do people when dead in a coffin they cover their face?

People tend to feel a certain sentimentality about human bodies, even after death when they are just pieces of meat.