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Q: What products were sold during the French Revolution?
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What was condition of women in France before french revolution?

*All women were classed as passive citizens. *They didn't have voting powers. *They worked as seamstresses or laundresses,sold flowers and vegetables at the market. *They were employed as domestic servants in the houses of prosperous people. *Most women did not have access to education or job training. * Their wages were lower than those of men. From Narasimha M Nadig

Why was the French Revolution important to world history?

Three reasons: 1. Louis XVI, the French monarch bankrupted the french treasury by engaging in American War of Independence. He then levied high taxes on the general public to cover the war cost. This was classic failure of public relations on the part of the monarch, where the common people believed that the king levied exorbitant taxes to fund his own and queens out of the bound lavish lifestyle at the expense of the citizens. This is the most common example cited in modern times showing that improving public relation is so much important for politicians. 2. French revolution was the first incident in Europe where a reigning monarch was forced out of the throne by common public and executed for treason against the country. This was historic because at that time monarch and the country were synonymous and treason was basically defined as betraying the monarch. The other monarchy of the Europe were completely shocked by the event and fearing similar revolution in their countries they granted more power to the people's democracy. Thus, french revolution was the catalyst towards democratic reform in other European countries, and the other parts of the world especially, South America, people rose against their European monarchs and gained independence. 3. Again, when Napoleon took over France few years later and proclaimed himself the Emperor, that was the first modern instance of fragile democracy being overtaken by a dictator. This sets an example on how a democracy can be hijacked by a dictator.

What was the Triangular Slave Trade?

The "triangular trade" as used in the Atlantic Ocean was a process in which African slaves were brought to the Americas, especially the South and the Caribbean during the 18th century.It involved three or more "products" -- molasses made from the sugar in the Caribbean, rum made from the molasses (which could also be sold to buy crops or manufactured goods from America or Europe), and slaves captured by African traders and sold in African ports. The trading ships used the counter-clockwise transoceanic sailing route to make repeated cycles and great profits.1. The molasses are bought in the Caribbean, and taken to New England to be distilled into rum. (This can be transported, or sold to buy crops and goods.)2. The rum and other goods are taken to Africa, where they are sold or bartered for slaves.3. The slaves are taken to the Caribbean (the "Middle Passage") where they are sold or bartered for more molasses., beginning the cycle again.

What product did Madame C J Walker first sell?

She first sold her "Wonderful Hair Grower" and then her Glossine, Tetter Salve, and Vegetable Shampoo. Her original products are still being manufactured.

Who captured the Africans who were sold were sold in the Atlantic slave trade?

African slave traders

Related questions

What did France do to improve their country during the French Revolution?

They confiscated all of the Catholic Church property and sold it to help ease the French debt.

How did France get money after the french revolution?

It sold the Louisiana Purchase to the United States.

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What products with a French name are sold in Australia?

Yoplait and Petit Miam (They are both yogurts)

What are two ways the french revolution affected Louisiana?

It uses Napoleonic Law and was sold to the United States.

Was napoleon bonaparte beheaded during the french revolution?

No. The Fench Revolution was to dethrone the monarchy. King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinettewere beheaded. Napoleon came to power after the revolution and took over the democratic government. More proof: If Napoleon died in the 1780s, how could he have sold Louisiana to Jefferson in 1803?

How were industrialization and revolution linked?

During the industrial revolution, peolple left countryside to go to town, hoping for a better life. There, they worked in factories, in very harsh conditions, and with very low wages. Products were created, using more and more row material coming from the colonies, and once the products were created (in Great Britain) they were sold to British people and to the colonies. The colonies had to buy products that they could have made in their own land, these products were very expansive, and they had to pay a lot of taxes, this led to the revolutions and the independence of the colonies.

Did the French King ask the Catholic Church for money?

Yes. And it was refused. The French Revolution in turn seized all of the property of the Catholic Church and sold it to the highest bidder.

Who was a colonist who fought for the British during the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold fought for the Patriots but sold secrets to the British.

What leader fought to free Saint-Domingue from French rule?

Toussaint Louverture led the Haitian Revolution until the he was captured by Napoleon's forces. In an interesting note, it could be argued that without the revolution in Haiti the French might have never sold Louisiana to Jefferson.

What work did women of the Third Estate do during the French Revolution?

Most of the women of the third estate had to work for a living. They worked as seamstresses, laundresses, sold flowers, fruits and vegetables at the market, or were employed as domestic servants in the houses of prosperous people.

In this revolution goods were bought and sold?

Market Revolution