Well I had this on a test and the choices was A) 18th Century B) 20th Century or C) Middle Ages..................... It is Middle Ages because life was more difficult in the 18th century in Europe.. Hope that helped you out and awnser your questions
With love and success,
Alisha <3
Conditions in Europe after World War 2 were beyond devastating. Most of the country had be ravished by the war and it was hard to find food, water and medical supplies and clothes.
Because they grew and were produced a long way from Europe, and shipping was slow, hazardous and expensive.
His father was having hard time sending him money due to Spaniard's suspicion.
In Roman and early Europe times things from China (the far East area) were very hard to get because of the frightful ordeal of getting them to Europe. Long sea travel around Asia and Europe and land travel across vast distances including deserts made the cost of luxury goods prohibitive for all but the very rich.
like ur queestuin but is hard to lations like ur queestuin but is hard to lations like ur queestuin but is hard to lations
The period in Europe when life was uncomplicated and quite hard was during the slavery era. Most of the infrastructures were lacking.
Quite fantastic as in "awesome" or as in "hard to believe"Quite awesome "admirabilius"Hard to believe "difficilius creditu"
quite hard
because they were hard to get in Europe
Ease Straightforward Effortless Plainness unfussy minimal
This is quite hard but you just have to pull really hard.
You could use simple, straight forward, basic, clear, easily done, effortless, uncomplicated, plain, no trouble, no sweat, no bother, plain sailing, or 'it's not hard'.
that's quite hard ^^;
You can't have a hard belly after one missed period, and it isn't pregnancy. Hard bellies don't come about until the six month.
Cell membranes are not hard at all they are actually quite softish....
Quite a lot. Your question covers a period of 100 years.