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Hitler wanted to take over the World, so he started it

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Q: What was Hilters role in World War 2?
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What was hilters mistake in world war 1?

Well, first he misspelled his name. It's Hitler. Second, he fought in the wrong war. It was World War 2.

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The role of what?

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What was the role of the US after World War 2?

i have no idea.

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Hitlers role at the end of World War 2?

Hitlers role at the end of the war? HA. He killed himself.

What was adolf Hitler role after world war 2?

Considering he killed himself before the war ended, his role after the war was not to significant.

What role did the British gunboats Mimi and Toutou play in World War 2?

It was World War one.

What was the Lord Chamberlain's role in conflict during World War 2?

He was the prime minister during part of World War 2.

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What was the role of gypsies in world war 2?

they remained parasic