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Q: What was Sally Eisner life prior to the war?
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She watched the house and took care of the family

Nation prior to the war?

Same as it was after the war; no change.

What was Sally Tompkins famous for?

being a nurse in the civil war

How would you compare the life in the north and the south prior to the civil war?

The South was devastated by the War between the States. A slow, easy way of life existed there prior to the war, with plantations and cotton fields. They had no significant financial assets nor cash on hand. They were not prepared for war. The north, however, had factories, munitions, mills for clothing and shoes, financial assets, liquid cash availability, personal businesses and comfortable living means. They had all the articles of war necessary to fight.

What wars did Japan fight prior to World War 2?

Japan had fought a war with Russia and had invaded Manchuria prior to the start of World War II.

What has the author Sally Pierce written?

Sally Pierce has written: 'Citizens in conflict' -- subject(s): Art and the war, Exhibitions, History, Photography, United States Civil War, 1861-1865

What do antebellum mean?

Antebellum is a word that refers to the period before the Civil War. An example of this term in a complex sentence might be, " Miss Sally fondly remembered antebellum times, before Atlanta had burned, and before most of the men in her town had died in the war."

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Who was the most Famous spokesman for Blacks prior to the Civil War?