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Q: What was World War 2 genocide call?
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What is genocide of World War 2?

The Holocaust

Rwandan genocide was the beginning of World War 2?

No, the Rwandan genocide took place in 1994, about 49 years after the end of World War 2.

Who was targeted in the world war 2 genocide?


What do Jews call the period between 1939 and 1945?

The Holocaust. ______ The Holocaust refers to the actual genocide, not to the period and not to World War 2. Many Jews call it the Shoah.

What did genocide have to do with World War 2?

Alot. Hope this helped you answer your question :)

Who was a genocide during world war 2?

The Jewish people were subjected to genocide by the Nazi regime under Hitler .

What was the Holocaust War?

There is some confusion here. There is no war that historians call 'The Holocaust War'. The Holocaust (Nazi genocide of the Jews) took place during World War 2, but World War 2 was not about the Holocaust. The two are distinct, though related. Please see the related questions.

Was World War 2 a genocide?

Yes sort of because the Jews were discriminated

Who attemped genocide during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis committed genocide during WW2, against the Jews.

Who are the US allies in the Holocaust?

This question confuses the Holocaust (genocide) with World War 2.

Name a specific example of genocide from World War 2?

Jews in death camps

What did the allies do to address the nazi of genocide during world war 2?

established an international war-crimes tribunal