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Congress system to stop rebels, International army for law enforcement, aquisition of grand duchy of warsaw, security that no nation would build such an extensive empire again

They also wanted to gain Poland and Finland, and to create a Holy Alliance to shape foreign policy to the teachings of Jesus.

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Q: What was the goal of Russia in the Congress of Vienna?
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What did Russia gain from the congress of Vienna?

The Congress gave the Duchy of Warsaw and Finland to Russia.

What lands did Russia gain from the Congress of Vienna?

The Congress gave the Duchy of Warsaw and Finland to Russia.

Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna?


What was important goal of the congress of Vienna?

The new European order

What was the most important goal of the congress of Vienna?

The most important goal of the Congress of Vienna was to create a more equal balance of power among countries. This was done partially by redrawing boundaries.

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Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna

What country gained control over Poland at the Congress of Vienna?

it was RUSSIA!

Who was the most influetial leader at the congress of Vienna?

Alexander I, Tzar of Russia.

What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?

The most important goal of congress of Vienna was to restore the balance of power, and that was why the punishment to France was not as severe. (B/c France needed to be one of the powers to maintain balance)

An important goal of the congress of vienna?

A significant objective of the Congress of Vienna was to establish a balance of power in Europe to prevent large-scale conflicts like the Napoleonic wars from recurring.

Who were the big four at the Congress of Vienna?

Austria, United Kingdom, Russia and Prussia. France was the fifth state that was able to influence the Congress.

What were the goals of the congress of Vienna?

The chief goal of the Vienna decision makers was to create a lasting peace by establishing a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy.