In the late 1400's and early 1500's, the primary motivation for the European voyages of exploration was
George Vancouver went on 2 voyages in the time of 1791 to 1795. His ships were called the Discovery and the Chathem.
There were many concerns that plagued the early European voyages of exploration. The main concern was the danger. The boats were not as sturdy as they should have been, there was also the danger of being lost at sea. Other concerns included sailing off the edge of the earth, and sea monsters.
I think that Columbus' voyages affected a lot of Europe's exploration because now all explorers were going different directions and doing undone feats, trying to find a route to Asia and India.
Landlocked countries like Switzerland were least involved in voyages of discovery as they lacked access to the open seas necessary for exploration.
The Portuguese was the European group that made voyages of discovery along West Africa.
South America
The primary goals of the European voyages of discovery were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity, to claim new territories for their empires, and to accumulate wealth through trade and colonization. The voyages were driven by a desire for economic, political, and religious expansion.
England and Holland
The voyages of discovery benefited European nations by opening up new trade routes, allowing for the spread of culture and technology, and expanding their empires. Additionally, explorers, traders, and merchants who participated in these voyages gained wealth and prestige from the discoveries they made.
Some of the old beliefs that were proven wrong by the European voyages of discovery included the misconception that the world was flat and that the Americas were the eastern edge of Asia. The voyages also debunked the idea that only Europeans inhabited the world and introduced new cultures and civilizations previously unknown to Europe. Additionally, the voyages challenged the belief that the earth was the center of the universe.
Many European voyages of discovery hoped to reach Asia, specifically to establish trade routes with India and China.
Not in terms of philosophy. It was the Renaissance and its re-discovery of Greek and Roman philosophy and arts that at this time changed European thought. The peoples in the discovered lands were either seen as heathen barbarians or as representatives of a totally alien culture. The voyages only changed European knowledge of geography and changed its thoughts about the possibilities for economic growth.