I Am Asking I Need The Answer!
The worlds most tallest pyrimids are in Egypt
The Production Budget for War of the Worlds was $132,000,000.
There were 9 Worlds in Norse MythologyAsgardVanaheimAlfheimMidgardJotunheimSvarltalfheimNidavellirNifleheimMuspelheim
AQW aka AQ Worlds Stands for Adventure Quest Worlds
Jamestown, Virginia was the earliest settled town among the 13 colonies. It was founded in 1607 by the Virginia Company.
I Am Asking I Need The Answer!
maybe it was mexico...i think
I'm not sure its the earliest, but its a form. The Colonists held town meetings where they voted directly on issues.
Camulodunum (Colchester)
I'd say Egipt, China or India
philadelphia in 1684