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What did people live in in the 1300's

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Q: What would people live in the 1400's?
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What did people do for entertainment in the 1400s?

they had sports, jousting, and executing

Who composed many of the ballads and poems In the 1400s and 1500s?

the common people

Who composed many of the ballads and poems in 1400s and 1500s?

the common people

How people traveled in the 1400s?

Feet, horse, ship, cart, buggy,

When was ballet popular?

It was popular in the 1400s, and is still loved by many people today.

How did people in India travale in the 1400s?

by ships for waterways and bull cart for land.

What group of people built empires in the 1400s?

the group that built the empire is the Aztec.

What were the ways that the people of the continents interacted with each other in the 1400s?

In general, the people of the continents interacted with each other through trade and exploration during the 1400s. Traders took ships from one continent to the next in search of valuables.

Why did people view the world in such a limited way during the 1400s?

People didn't know much then. Such as cures, and medical reasons.

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