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Germany had many problems such as they had to sign a contract called the Treaty of Versailles which meant they had to say they were responsible for starting the war they also had to give up half of their land , they had to sink all their battle ships, the size of their military was reduced to 100,000 men and finally Germany had to pay war reparations the the countries in the League of Nations. Germany also faced poverty due to the reparations. In order to pay off their large reparations payment they just printed more marks and this was a direct result of the inflation which was partial reason for the Great Depression that followed through out Europe and the US.
The economists told the writers of the Versailles Treaty that Germany simply did not have the money to pay the amount they were demanding. They told them it would take until 1988 for Germany to pay the debt back. It was basically an impossible demand and Germany would never have been able to pay it all back. See these links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Versailles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Peace_Conference,_1919
Basically America Stepped in with the Dawes Plan 1923 and Young plan 1929, and this with massive loans and a new loan helped pay it off, but before that they couldn't pay it so the French Invaded the Ruhr a Industrial area and This caused hyperinflation.
because they felt sorry for them so they didnt take the land off germany in ww2
Germany paid off its war reparations. It took some time, though.
Germany faced financial problems in the year 1922, following their first payment of reparations in 1921.
by working off their debt to the U.S. when they finally accepted post war reparations, when the U.S. lent them money
Respirations in World War One is when Germany lost, it had to pay reparations to Great Britain, France and Russia. They gave them back the land that they stole and money to rebuild their nations' land.
Germany had many problems such as they had to sign a contract called the Treaty of Versailles which meant they had to say they were responsible for starting the war they also had to give up half of their land , they had to sink all their battle ships, the size of their military was reduced to 100,000 men and finally Germany had to pay war reparations the the countries in the League of Nations. Germany also faced poverty due to the reparations. In order to pay off their large reparations payment they just printed more marks and this was a direct result of the inflation which was partial reason for the Great Depression that followed through out Europe and the US.
a) private American bank loans to Germany that enabled Germany to pay war reparations b) forgiving the Allied loans and German reparations c) the creation of a new international economic system the the League of Nations d) the rise of Mussolini and Hitler e) forcing Germany to pay off the allied loans to the United States Sorry don't know which one but i think its a! hope that helps someone in need
they paid
Germany were very angry about the treaty because they had been forced to sign it, and so the War guilt clause 231, which meant Germany took responsibility for the war. This meant that they had to pay massive reparations of £6,600 million as compensation for the damage caused by the war. They also had land taken off them, their army limited to 100,000 mean, the Rhineland demilitarized for 15 years and the Saar taken off them and given to France for 15 years. This all humiliated Germany and made them hate the Treaty of Versailles.
Its was 1923 :P The same year that Hitler took over German government....but he faailed and got sent to prison insted. :) -----------------------> No -it's the wrong answer above; Hitler never took over the German govt. in 1923. Germany stopped paying Versailles reparations in 1931 - before the Nazis took power in 1933.
Germany was heavily relying on America to help pay of the reparations from the treaty of versailles as the dawes plan from america was helping to pay. So when the wall street crash happened in america, they had no money to give to germany to pay off the reparations
The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to bear the entire costs of World War I. This crippled her economy-massive inflation meant that it was cheaper to burn money than firewood for cooking. France was relying on those war reparations to rebuild her economy-those reparations were worthless. In addition, the painful economic instability made Germany weak. The newly created Poland attacked Germany several times-being fought off by ad hoc militia units called Freikorps. Many of those would join the Nazis in a few years. Communists gained in strength as well-threatening many of the retired soldiers. Many problems existed throughout Germany post-WWI. The major source of problems was born out of the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles caused disillusionment throughout Germany. Many German's felt betrayed and outraged that their own government, the Weimar Republic would accept the oppressive conditions laid out in the Versailles Treaty. The Treaty, contained a war-guilt clause which basically held Germany solely responsible for the outbreak of WWI. Moreover, Germany had to pay war reparations which were astronomical and nearly impossible to pay. In addition to the reparations, Germany would lose Alsace-Lorraine and major territories in Western Germany, which contained major industrial and economic centers. The total cummulative loss of these territories compounded the economic problems within Germany.