Indian's golden age was when Chandragupta II ruled India. during this time Chandragupta II supported reading, artists, and writers. the most famous writer was kalidasa. Kalidasa wrote many popular folktales that traveled throughout the world. Some of the stories that he wrote were "Sindbad the sailor " and "Jake the giant-killer".
during the golden age the Indians made the numbers 1-9 and zero. They called the numbers the Arabic Numbers, And the Indian doctors discovered ways to heal bones and help women give birth. during this time it was peaceful.
Mohandas Gandhi
It's the Golden Age
Golden ages are marked by great achievements. They are like a classical age, except that the classical age came first and set the standards for following golden ages. The golden age builds on the classical one. A classical age marks a high point in the nation's history
The Gupta Empire reigned from around 320 to 550 CE. This is known as the Golden Age of India because of the peace and prosperity the empire provided its people. It allowed for new discoveries in science, technology, art, engineering, language, literature, logic, mathematics, Astronomy, religion, and philosophy as well as many new inventions.
The scholars were the most honored in China's golden age
Indian's golden age was when Chandragupta II ruled India.
The period of Chandergupta Maurya isi called the Golden Age of India
Chandragupta I
When the golden age has been removed from the reunion of life.
i cant answer this question
the golden age of India was during the gupta empire. they called it the golden age because of The peace and prosperity created under the leadership of Guptas
I don't know about China and Southeast Asia but India experienced their Golden Age during the reign of the Gupta Dynasty.China's Golden Age was during the T'ang and Sung dynasties.well u no about zoology ,or maybe chemistrty
Golden age of India is the Gupta Empire. During this period India witnessed a huge growth in culture,medicine,temples,science and economy. Aryabhatta,Varahamihra were greatest mathematicians during Gupta era. Arts and music reached a new height.
Because it was the rise of power that united all of India
it was a time of peace and prosperity