A holocaust is a horrible event where massive amounts of people or animals are slaughtered. Here are some sentences.The Nazi extermination of the Jews is called The Holocaust because it was a worldwide disaster.The country was shaken by the holocaust when the enemy soldiers defeated their army.The holocaust at the Little Bighorn shocked America.The Holocaust was a horrible event in which the Germans killed many innocent Jews"The Holocaust" was a genocide perpetrated by Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime. The term derives from a Greek word that refers to animal sacrifice.The Holocaust was tragic moment when millions of people were killed, mostly Jewish!
Brihah was the term given for the illegal escape of the survivors of the Jewish Holocaust during the aftermath of World War II. Almost 150, 000 Jews escaped during the Brihah movement.
the term word processing was invented by IBM in the late 1960s
no, the holocaust was in WWII,
depends on what you mean by "executed". this number is most likely impossible to knowHowever it is estimated that between 11 and 17 million people died in the holocaust. Obviously this number is open to argument and interpretation. There are even some that believe that the Holocaust never happened, we call them crackpots.
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
Holocaust. It is estimated that six million Jews, were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust
The Holocaust. The Nazis themselves called it the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question.
They are usually referred to as Holocaust victims.
Since about 1980, the term the Holocaust has become pretty much standard.
another term for the Holocaust
The term the Holocaust only came into widespread use in the late 1970s after the showing of the TV miniseries with that title.
balls and/or weiners in your mouth
The term is the Holocaust.
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Jews controlling Central banking