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At the Berlin Conference of 1884

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Ask us were the rules for colonizing Africa established?

At the Berlin Conference of 1884

Who treated inhabitants as slaves?

Europeans who were colonizing Africa.

Is South Africa a colonizing country?

Yes, Briton

How whites used guns to neutralize blacks?

When colonizing Africa.

Did the Cherokee Indians settle in Africa?

Yeah, they tried colonizing it but got too drunk.

What made Europe want to colonize Africa?

because it was alot of diffrent trade problems and colonizing

What were the different motivations behind direct and indirect rule?

with direct rule the colonizing established a completely new governmental administration for its colony.under indirect rule the colonizing country ruled through traditional local leaders.

What prevented the Europeans from colonizing Africa before the 19th Century?

Nothing. Are you sure you're not thinking of colonialism?

South africa rules?

No rules

Why European countries were so intent on colonizing all of southern Africa?

With colonizing Africa it opened major shipping routes and trade. They also got many raw materials to make their country wealthy. Rule of thumb in the era more land your country had in its power the wealthier your country was.

What European country controlled the most territory in Africa after the scramble for Africa?

Great Britain controlled a lot of the African country. They were the leader in colonizing during that time period.

What were fair rules for a gang fight What did fair mean How were the rules established?

a fair fight means only fists no weapons, by time and common sense is how the rules were established