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Europe and the Pacific

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Q: Where did World War 2 mostly occure?
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Where did the World War 2 occure?

Europe and Asia.

What is the problem in World War 2?

What the problem was in world war 2 Germany,Japan,and Italy wanted to conquer the world mostly Germany.

Where were the Jew located in World War 2?

across the world, mostly in europe

How did children get evacuated in World War 2?

Mostly by train.

What war did Winston churchill associate with?

Winston Churchill was involved in the Boer War, World War 1 and World War 2 but he is mostly remembered for his leadership during World War 2.

Where was World War 2 mostly located on the map?

The whole of the world but mainly Europe.

Who did the US fight in world of war 2?

Germany and Japan mostly

Who were Britans enemys in world war 2?

Mostly Germany and Japan.

During World War 2 the war in the South Pacific was fought mostly .?

U.S and Japan

Was boxing popular during world war 2?

boxing was popular in world war 2. mostly on battle ships such as HMS hood for entertainment

Where in World War 2 were children mostly evacuated too?

To the Country side

How did the children travel when they got evacuated in the world war 2?

Mostly by train