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Q: Which crop was introduced to Europeans during the Columbian Exchange?
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How did the Columbian Exchange lead to an increase in African slavery?

Many new crops were introduced during the Columbian Exchange. A large work force was required to take care of these crops, so slaves were introduced.

What role did donkeys play in the Columbian Exchange?

Donkeys were brought from the Europeans to he New World during the Columbian Exchange. Donkeys were among the animals that helped with work as they were beasts of burden.

Which animal introduced to the Americas during the Columbian exchange had the biggest impact on native Americans?

the horse

What was introduced to the Old World from the New during the Columbian Exchange?

potatoes and corn****

What effects did corn have on people during the columbian exchange?

Corn was part of the staple diet of the europeans, increasing Europe's population.

Was xanthoceras traded in the Columbian Exchange?

It is unknown if xanthoceras was traded during the Columbian Exchange. A list of known items traded during the Colombian Exchange can be found online.

Who was affected during the Columbian Exchange?

Hernan Cortez

What was shared by accident during the Columbian exchange?


What are two examples of impact did the Americas have on Europe during the Columbian Exchange?

Europeans brought germs to America , and they also brought over diseases like smallpox chickenpox and measles

What animal had the greatest effect during the columbian exchange?

the horse

Which was not transported during the columbian exchange?

respect for indigenous values