What year was Dracula's Castle built?
Very basically, the advantages of living near a castle, which are built as centres of defence, were you enjoyed in part the protection provided by that castle, and probably were employed in some way servicing the infrastructure involving the castle itself and the castle town in general. Disadvantages include being on the spot when invaders attack the castle, and being subject without choice to laws and administration involving the castle, as well as being subject to sudden changes in your community and domestic situation in times of unrest. When the castle is under attack, the first priority is to protect those in the castle. Nearby residents are low on the list when it comes to protection, and easy targets for invaders. With the castle otherwise engaged or even out of action, even if your life goes on your livelihood will be severely compromised. The inhabitants of populated areas near castles generally had their own ways of protecting themselves, good escape routes being a priority, but it was still highly risky business.
Not a castle, a very grand palace; the Palace of Versailles, near Paris.
The Bastille
House of Habsburg
Magic Kingdom's castle is called Cinderella Castle.
Blarney Castle is in Blarney, near Cork, Ireland. Ireland is in the European Continent.
Elmina Castle was built in what is now Ghana by the Portuguese in 1482.
The original York Castle was built in 1068, as a basic wood motte and bailey castle. The York Castle as we know it to day is mainly from the 13th and 14th century.
The Prague Castle was most likely created around 880 by Prince Bořivoj of the Premyslid Dynasty. The castle has continued to be added to and modified until present day. As a result, the castle has a vast representation of the architectural styles of the past millennium. Today, the castle is the seat of the head of the state of the Czech Republic.
Its located in Co. Carlow, Ireland
The domicile of a pharaoh is best termed as a palace. The term castle usually implies extensive fortifications as a European concept.
Barnes Castle is on the defensive slopes of Garleton Hills, in the county of East Lothian which is in Scotland.Scotland is part of Great Britain, which is in the European continent.
Portugal was the first European country to set up a colony in Africa. Portugal landed on Africa's Gold Coast in 1471 and built the Castle of Elmina, becoming the first European settlement.
Blarney Castle is a medieval stronghold in Blarney, near Cork, Ireland, and the River Martin.Though earlier fortifications were built on the same spot, the current keep was built by the MacCarthy of Muskerry dynasty, a cadet branch of the Kings of Desmonds, and dates from 1446.
Blarney Castle is in a town called Blarney which is in the Republic of Ireland.The Republic of Ireland is part of the European continent.