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Q: Which three nations formed the Axis powers in world war 11?
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What three nations formed the Axis Powers during World War 2?

Germany - Italy - Japan .

What league was formed at the end of World War 2?

The League of Nations was formed after World War 1 and fell apart as a reslt of World War 2. The United Nations formed toward the end of World War 2, initially as an organization of nations opposed to the Axis Powers.

Three countries that formed the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan were the three axis powers during World War 2

Which organization did world powers create immediately after world war ii?

If you mean organization like a group to help countries work things out... then that would be the United Nations.

Three countries that formed axis powers in world war 2?

Germany, Italy and Japan.

What nations made up the Axis powers in World War Two?

There were three main Axis powers in WW 2. All three were aggressive and were dictatorships. They were Germany, Italy and Japan.

What international body was formed after World War 1?

The League of Nations.

What events happened after World War 2?

Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany. The United Nations were formed and United States and Soviet Union emerged as two world powers. The two world powers began the cold war.

Was the United Nation Formed at the end of World War 1?

The League of Nations was formed at the end of World War One, the United Nations was formed at the end of World War II.

Big Three alliance during World War 2?

During World War II, the 'Big Three' nations who were allied against the Axis powers were Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Numerous other nations, small and large, were associated with these leaders in the world war.

One important international organization that was formed after World War 2 was what?

United Nations (: A+

Was the League of Nations formed before or after world war 1?

The League of Nations was formed after World War 1, as part of the Peace Treaties that ended that war.