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Amistad rebellion

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Q: Which was the rebellion that ended slavery and sent slaves back to Africa?
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Which of the following was a slave rebellion that ended in the slaves returning to Africa?

Amistad rebellion

How important was Britain to the slave trade?

Before Great Britain ended slave trade and later abolished slavery, it was among other European nations involved with slavery and its trading. Ships from England would travel to the West coast of Africa and bring products and gold to exchange for slaves. The African slave traders were often Arabic, and slaves were also obtained by capture or the bribes given to tribal chiefs. Jamestown, the British Virginia colony was the first colony to have slaves to work the tobacco fields.Other European nations such as Portugal were also involved in the slave trade.

How did the slavery end in the world?

It hasn't ended. Right now, there are 25 million people who are slaves in the world. Isis has made slavery worse in the lands they have taken. They have sex slaves and buy/sell women and children everyday. It is so much part of their philosophy a handbook has been created. Slavery has existed as part of man's condition from the very start of time. Children and women in Southeast Asia are bought and sold for the sex trade. Sometimes in the United States people are found that have been kept in slavery. The people who smuggle people into the country often make them slaves when they are unable to pay them the cost of their freedom. Sex trade workers in the United States are often made slaves by the men who own them.

What did William wilberforce do?

The Abolition of Slavery

What event almost ended John Hays open door policy for china?

Boxer Rebellion

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What was the slaves rebellion that ended in slaves returning to Africa?

New Haven rebellionAmistad rebellionslave rebellionabolitionists' rebellion

Which of the following was a slave rebellion that ended in the slaves returning to Africa?

Amistad rebellion

What was the name of the document that ended slavery in the states occupied by The Union?

The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in all states that were in rebellion.

What was the Virginia Debate of 1832?

This debate was mostly about slavery. It started when John Floyd, Governor of Virginia during the time, stated that in order to prevent another rebellion like Turner's Rebellion(Rebellion of 80 slaves, ended up with 60 white people killed) to not happen again, the slaves needed to be emancipated. Virginia voted against emancipation for the slaves.

When did slavery end in Grenada?

A rebellion lead by black slave Julian Fedon started in 1795, and for a year and a half, slaves were set free or ran away and joined the rebellion. But when it ended in 1796, the British regained control and slavery was once again put into action until 1834, when slavery was abolished for good.

What success did it have in getting state laws to abolish slavery?

well Great Britan had ended it and they thought it would be easier 2 trade resources in Africa rather than slaves and they ended it in 1880

How did Harriet Tubman persevere?

She freed slavery and ended slaves.

Where did slavery end in America?

The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in all areas in rebellion against the Union on January 1, 1863. The 13th amendment officially ended slavery in 1865

What ammenment ended slavery making former slaves free?


Where there slaves in 1942?

If you mean African-American slaves in the United States, no, there were no such slaves in 1942. Slavery ended in the 1860s in the US.

How does Abraham Lincoln change your life today?

He ended slavery,so now we don't have slavery so today we aren't slaves and don't have slaves.

Did the slaves become free after slavery ended and reconstruction took place?

slaves were free from slavery but they had segregation... racism occured so they were free but treated unequally