It was presented by the committee headed (1929-30) by Owen D. Young.
Words for 'came up to', as in 'came near to', or 'arrived at', include approached, arrived (at), or reached.The words approached, arrived, or reached, also can mean 'came up to' as in 'grew (or rose) as high (as)'.
Flappers They were called flappers.
george washington carver
In neither the Pacific Theater nor the European Theater was there much of an overall plan. General Montgomery liked plans, with the result that when the enemy outsmarted him, he was often unable to come up with 'Plan B'. For the most part, each section of the war either failed or succeeded. If it failed, then they came up with another bright idea to try. If it succeeded, then they tried that approach again. In the Pacific Theater, it was even worse. Admiral Nimitz, overall commander and specifially in command of the war north of the south Pacific, admitted having no overall plan. He was a genius at coming up with ideas as they were needed. His two area commanders, Halsey and Spruance, also were brilliant tacticians. MacArthur, the area commander of the south Pacific had all sorts of plans, but they generally did not work out.
Ulysses or Odysseus came up with the plan to trick the Trojans in the Trojan war
The Schlieffen Plan was a battle plan by Germany to secure victory in the event of a war with France and Russia. It was drawn up by Count von Schlieffen in 1905 when he was the German Chief of Staff.
J.Bruce Ismay
i thinnk it was john hancock
14-Point Plan
Ben Franklin
I have no ideia
The plan he came up with was indeed ingenious beyond our expectations.
United States of America.
Like most companies they came up with a plan to make money and now they are.
that when they grow up, they have to always respect my palace and fight for it.