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The First Estate was Catholic clergy, so essentially, the Pope.

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The Clergy (Bishops, priests and deacons)

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Q: Who controlled the first estate in the estates general before the french revolution?
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Who controlled the First Estate in the the Estates-General before the French Revolution?

Pope John Paul II

Did Napoleon Bonaparte create the estates-general?

No the estates general were created centuries before Napoleon Bonepart was born. They ended before he took over.

How many were in the group of the 2nd estate?

Before the Revolution in France : The Estates-General consisted of three estates :the Clergy (about 100,000 people), the Nobles (about 400, 000 people) and all the others (about 96% of the population) belonged to the Third Estate.

What was France's voting system like before the revolution?

It was three Estates, each with a single vote.

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1789-1799 What were the type of government France had before and after the revolution?

Before the Revolution France was Absolute Monarchy under the Bourbon Kings, the Last of whom was King Louis XVI, there were a few checks on the power of King such as the power of the clergy, the local Parlements, and the Estates General After the Revolution France was a Absolute Monarchy under the Military power of Emperor Napoleon I

What was an important legislative body in France?

The French Revolution began in 1789. The traditional legislature of France before the Revolution was the Estates-General, although this body had not met in over 100 years.

What were the Cahiers?

The Cahiers were a list of issues and grievances which were issued by estates in France. The Chaiers were released shortly before the start of the French Revolution.

What was the status of the Estates General before the revolution?

The Estates general had not been convoked since 1614, and Louis XVI was basically forced to convoke them again in June 1789. The Estates general were an assembly of different classes (1st estate was the Clergy, 2nd was the nobility and the 3rd was the bourgeoisie). They had no power of their own, they were convoked and dismissed by the King as he pleased. But in 1789, when a revolution was on hand, the 3rd estate of this Estate General started meeting on their own, without the other two estates. King Louis XVI tried to resist to this, and he shut down the Salle des États (the place where they met). This did not stop them and the 3rd estate moved to a nearby tennis court. Here they swore the Tennis Court Oath, stating they would never disband until there was a proper constitution written for France. Soon the 1st and 2nd estate joined them in their revolutionary ideas, and this event was (together with the storming of the Bastille 1 month later) the start of the French Revolution.

Which of the following groups controlled Saint-Domingue's government before the Haitian Revolution?

French aristocrats

Why were bourgeois upset before the french revolution?

In pre-revolution France, the bourgeois class was dissatisfied because it was relegated to the Third Estate, which included about 96% of the country's population but in the government body, the Estates General, could be outvoted by the First (clergy) and Second (nobility) Estates. These two Estates could (and did) vote themselves exempt from taxes. This was a serious issue at the time because France had accumulated massive war debts from the Seven Years' War and subsidizing the American Revolution. In 1789, 50% of the national budget was spent servicing France's national debt (compare this to 5% paid in 2009 to service American national debt). The bourgeoisie were determined to get the other two estates to pay a share. When Louis XVI called a convocation of the Estates General, the Third Estate arrived asserting it was the true representative of the country and that votes should be counted according to number of delegates. The Third Estate was barred from the chamber, setting in motion a series of events that would result in the violent overthrow not only of Louis, but of the power and privileges of the first two estates.

Who controlled France before their Revolution?

It was an absolute monarchy ruled byy King Louis XVI of the House of Bourbon.