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Q: Who did something good for the world?
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What is something good that happened in the world?

women have rights!

Where do people say good luck?

Good Luck is pretty universal. People the world over say this or something close to it.

What is the difference good at something and good in something?

Being good in something is playing a part. When your good at something, it means your actually doing something, for example, good at Baseball, good in a play.

How has Oprah made an impact on the world?

Because she is an angel sent by God to do something good for others .

What phrase is good for printing on world map posted in your room?

I want something very aspiring.

What is a good name for a World of Warcraft character?

A good name? I think that a good name is something you think of!If your having trouble thinking of one I always had trouble, and now I got say 5 characters. Make it something that sounds cool, something that half relates to you.Silersun4

What is the difference between good in something and good at something?

Being good in something is playing a part. When your good at something, it means your actually doing something, for example, good at baseball, good in a play.

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Evil is something that people do, not something incarnate that can be crushed. I think that to talk about evil as something that can be crushed is to avoid the real issue, which is what we can do that is good or bad in this world. Focus on doing good to others and on being the best person you can, and in this way set an example for others. We can all help, by our example, make the world a better place.

What was good about World War 2?

Maybe some people managed to do the best of a bad thing... but really, there's never something good about a war...

To be as good as something?

When u are good at something= spealiztion

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you could get good money or if you do something good something good might come to you or something good will happen to you.

What is a good website topic?

Something you can research and get alot of info on, like the titanic or like world war 2.