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A place where large numbers of people, esp. political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933-45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz

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Q: Who impacted much in the world war 2?
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What was a military job that impacted World War 2?

Nursing was very much impacted.

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Which American war impacted the US?

The wars that impacted the united states was the vietnam war and world war 2. world war 2 because it occurred immediately after the great depression , and the vietnam war because it was a unessesary war.Because our world is shrinking at an alarming pace, ALL wars affect all countries.

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Well, the answer is your mom.

How were baby boomers impacted by World War 2?

Baby boomers were indirectly impacted by World War 2 as it led to economic prosperity and increased opportunities for their parents, resulting in better living standards and educational opportunities for the baby boomers. However, some baby boomers may have been directly impacted if their parents were involved in the war, leading to potential family disruption and loss.

What economic factors after World War 1 impacted the beginning World War 2?

The Treaty of Versailles demanded that Germany repay reparations for WW 1; hyperinflation led to Hitler's rise

How was the World impacted from World War 2?

The world was impacted with the deaths of 50-72 million people. It saw several countries change government. The United Nations was also created. Economics were changed because the war drug the entire world out of the Great Depression. The war also changed the high level of pacifism that was present before it. If there is anything more specific, let me know.

Did the Great Depression hit in world war 1 or world war 2?

The Great Depression impacted in 1936 (after the stock market crashed) and it ended when World War II started because of people going into the military and people gaining jobs in factories and what not.

How much were pens in world war 2?


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Was Germany a autocracy during World War 2?

Germany was very much an autocracy during World War 2.