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Q: Who made the quote off with their heads during the French Revolution?
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What does the quotation They learned nothing and forgot nothing mean?

It is a quote by Tallyrand about the Bourbons (the rulers of France) of how they learned nothing from the events leading up to, during, and after the French Revolution and Napoleonic Empire, but forgot nothing when they returned to power and immediately put their old cronies back in charge and did all in their power to humiliate and impoverish those that turned them out.

Who was the french revolutionary who famously said something like you cannot look to the past for answers as it is full of mistakes what was the actual quote and what was his name?

As close to coming to that statement is the quote "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny lies in keeping them ignorant." Maximilien Robespierre is the French Revolutionist attributed to this quote.

What does The Revolution Ends By Devouring Its Own Children mean?

The original revolutionaries, once they are mostly successful, are now worried about some future revolutionaries starting a different revolution, to redo the society once again. To the original revolutionaries, what they believed in was right. So, what's the need for another revolution, they think. So, they do not want another revolution after their revolution, or a revolution within their revolution. In the chaos of their revolution, they have the incentive and means to wipe out anyone they think differs from their viewpoint. In the same chaos, someone else can wipe out the original revolutionaries, and hijack the revolution. The incentive of money, power, women, and future good life is far too much to resist.

Who made the quote you can do anything if you put your mind to it?

This quote has multiple cited people, from FDR to Eminem.

Who was Edmund Burke?

I only know this because my AP US History class is having a debate & Edmund is my character. Edmund Burke wrote this book about Vindication. & Then he married a doctor's daughter, she was important too, but I don't remember her name. Then later, after the Revolution, he examined the French Revolution & wrote another book, "Reflections on the Revolution in France" That one, was a big hit. He basically developed his ideas from the Vindication book, & completed them to make an awesome book people actually felt like reading.Sorry if this didn't help... (:

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James Fannin's famous quote before his execution during the Texas Revolution was: "I beg to assure my countrymen and friends that I feel composed and resigned to the fate that awaits me."

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In French, "quote unquote" is translated as "soi-disant."

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This quote from Thomas Jefferson says it all: "Every generation needs a new revolution."

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Susanna Dickinson's famous quote is often cited as "Vaya con Dios," which means "Go with God" in Spanish. She reportedly said this during the Texas Revolution to encourage others to seek safety.

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The Albert R. Hunt quote is, "Revolution is easy. Democracy is difficult."

What part of the revolution does George Washington refer to in his quote?

Valley Forge.