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Spain sent more expeditions than England to the middle part of the u.s.

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Q: Who sent the more expeditions than England to the interior regions of the Americas?
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What regions of the Americas were claimed by Spain France Holland and England?

Britain NOT England.

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Some other European countries that explored and settled in the Americas include Spain, France, England, Portugal, and the Netherlands. Each of these countries established colonies and trading posts in different regions of the Americas during the Age of Exploration.

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JuliusCaesarconquered Gaul (France,BelgiumHollandsouthof theriver Rhine andGermanywest of theRhine) andconductedtwo expeditions in the southeast of England. He discovered the geography of these regions, their ethnic make up and the kingdoms which exited there.

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I'm sure that it was when goods from three different regions were traded like (weapons to the Americas and from the Americas tobacco )....were passed on to three different regions.

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Two: interior and exterior.

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At one point, the Louisiana Territory

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