Columbus was born in Genoa (now part of Italy) but lived in Portugal and later Spain. With backing from the rulers Ferdinand and Isabella, he sailed to the Americas (West Indies and northern South America) while seeking a shorter and safer way to reach the Far East (India and China). In 1492, he became the first European to travel to the New World since Leif Ericson around the year 1000. He opened the way for Spanish conquest and colonization, which was soon followed by other countries in Europe.
Christopher Columbus is one of the most famous explorers of his time. During his explorations, Columbus racked up over 2,400 miles.
suck my ass
he went to 4 voyages but i cant realy get this answer
No, Amerigo Vespucci did not travel with Christopher Columbus. Vespucci made voyages to the Americas after Columbus's initial voyages. He is known for recognizing that the lands Columbus explored were part of a new continent, which was later named after him - America.
It is the "tu"(you) cognated from voyager. Voyager is to travel, so voyages is you travel.
sorry dont no but i know in the travel he came on herry back and his facd
sorry dont no but i know in the travel he came on herry back and his facd
Christopher Columbus voyaged for about 7 years in total, from 1492 to 1499, on his four transatlantic trips to the Americas.
to travel -- voyager (je voyage, tu voyages, etc.) travel (as a noun) -- les voyages (masc.)
"Une agence de voyages" is "a travel agency" in French.
William Dampier has written: 'Voyages and discoveries' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Tides, Voyages and travels, Winds 'Voyage aux terres australes, a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Voyages and travels, Voyages around the world, Voyages, Descriptions et voyages, Voyages autour du monde 'A Continuation of a Voyage to New Holland' 'A continuation of a voyage to New-Holland, &c., in the year 1699' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Voyages around the world 'A voyage to New-Holland, &c. in the year 1699' -- subject(s): Descriptions et voyages, Voyages around the world, Description and travel, Voyages autour du monde, Description et voyages 'Voyages' -- subject(s): Voyages and travels 'Capt. Dampier's vindication of his voyage to the South-Seas in the ship St. George' 'A collection of voyages' -- subject(s): Buccaneers, Description and travel, Tides, Voyages and travels, Voyages around the world, Winds 'Supplement du voyage autour du monde' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Voyages and travels, Voyages around the world, Voyages, Descriptions et voyages, Voyages autour du monde 'A new voyage round the world' -- subject(s): Corpus of Australian Contact History and Ethnography (CACHE), Buccaneers, Description and travel, Early works to 1800, Geography, Journeys, Tides, Voyages and travels, Voyages around the world, Winds, Descriptions et voyages, Voyages autour du monde 'A continuation of A voyage to New-Holland, E-c. in the year 1699' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Natural history, Pre-Linnean works, Voyages and travels 'Dampier's voyages' -- subject(s): Buccaneers, Description and travel, Tides, Voyages and travels, Voyages around the world, Winds
Ian Gill has written: 'Haida Gwaii' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Descriptions et voyages, Travel, Voyages
Between 1492 and 1504, Columbus made four voyages to the “New World.” He did not know he had discovered a new continent, but thought he was just off the coast of Asia. The first voyage saw him in Cuba, Hispaniola, and San Salvador. His second voyage he explored the same areas as the first trip but also touched on Purto Rico and Jamaica. On the last two voyages he sailed along the northern coast of South America and explored the coast of Central America. This site has a map showing the voyages.