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WWI was started by a variety of events that compacted together essentially bringing Europe to it's knees. If you want to be technical about it the lone event that triggered the war would have to be the assination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. A man by the name of Gavrilo Princip was the assian and a member of the black hand, which was a group of Serbian nationalists.

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Q: Who started and is responsible for World War 1?
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What political movement was most responsible for World War I?

World War 1 was started after the sinking of the Lusitania.

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No, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started the war.

How did they do World War 1 and World War 2?

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world war 1 started July 28th 1914 and world war 2 started 3rd September 1939

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No world war 1 was started in 1914 . World war two started in 1939

What did world war happen?

World War 1 started in 1914 and ended in 1918, World War 2 started in 1939 and ended in 1945

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World War 2 started.

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What did Germany have to admit for World War 1?

That they had started the war.

Was Germany responsible for starting both World War I and World War 2?

No. Austria started world war 1, however Germany was blamed on starting it and had to sign a treaty accepting ALL responsibility for the damage. Germany started world war 2. WW1-no because Austria-Hungary started it but Germany had to sign the treaty of Versailles WW2 did start because of Germany because of the German dictator Adolph Hitler.

World War 1 started following assassination of?

The first world war started after the assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand.

Was World War I started by Germany?

No. World War 2 was started by Germany, but World War 1 was started by internal strife in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After war was declared, Germany and Turkey sided with Austria.