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It was Dirk Hartog who was the first European to land on the west coast of Australia.

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The first European to land on the coast of Australia was Dutch trader Willem Jansz.

Also known by the name of William Janzoon, he landed in February 1606.

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Q: Who was the first European to land on the west coast of Australia?
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Who discovered Australia in 1700?

Nobody discovered Australia in 1700. The first known European "discovery" of Australia occurred much earlier than this.Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, on 26 February 1606

Did the British invade Australia?

No, they only settled just for the convicts for them to be put to work.Correction:As far as the indigenous people of Australia are concerned, the British did invade Australia. British settlement forced the Aboriginal people off their land, took over their hunting grounds and destroyed their fishing traps. When James Cook claimed the eastern half for great Britain in 1770, he declared the land terra nullius, or "no man's land", which in effect meant that the British did not recognise aboriginal ownership of the land.

Where did the first European settlers land in Africa?

i believe that it is Egypt

Who was the first European country to establish a presence in China?

Portugal was the first European power to claim Chinese land when it set up a port in Macao.

When did the British arrive in Australia?

William Dampier was the first Englishman to explore and map parts of New Holland (Australia). On 4 January 1688, his ship the 'Cygnet' was beached on the northwest coast of Australia, at King Sound near Buccaneer Archipelago on the north-west coast of Australia. The next English visitor was Lieutenant James Cook (not yet captain), who charted the eastern coast in 1770. Cook's positive report led to the colonisation of New South Wales by England in 1788.

Related questions

Who was the first to land on Australia?

Aborigines were the first to land in Australia. After them, the next people were the Macassan traders who sought sea slugs off the northern coast of Australia. The first known European to land in Australia was Willem Jansz, also known as Willem Janszoon.

What state in Australia was first colonised by British?

New South Wales was the first state to be colonised. When James Cook became the first European explorer to land on the east coast of Australia, he claimed the entire eastern half of the continent for England, calling it New South Wales.

Which country was said to be the first to land and map western coastline of Australia?

The Dutch, who were from the country of Holland, were said to be the first to land and map the western coast of Australia. Holland is the present-day Netherlands.

How long had European people been interested in Australia?

The earliest recorded European explorers of Australia - the Dutch - were not interested in Australia at all. The continent held no trade prospects as far as they could see, so they made no claim to the land. Even the first English explorer of Australia, William Dampier, thought the land was not worth bothering with, being dry and arid in the west. in 1688 he dismissed any prospects of the British claiming the land, and when he returned in 1699, his opinion had not changed. It was the French who showed the most interest in Australia, even making a formal (though not 'official') claim on the western coast two years after James Cook had explored and charted the eastern coast in 1770. The French had previously named many points along the coast, in the mid1700s. This was around the time when European interest in Australia really gathered momentum.

What was the first ship to come to Australia?

The Duyfken, captained by Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon/Jansz was the first recorded ship to arrive in Australia. On 26 February 1606, Jansz became the first known European to land on Australia's shores at the Pennefather River, near the present-day town of Weipa, on the western coast of Cape York Peninsula.

Who was the fist European explorer to see the coast of California?

Sir Francis Drake was the first European to see the coast of California. The land was named New Albion and claimed for England, on June 17, 1579.

Was Torres the first European to land on Australia?

Luis de Torres was the first known European to have landed on Australian shores. No records remain from anyone else's visit.

How old is Australian?

Australia's history could be said to begin with the Aboriginal people who first settled on the continent about 5000 years ago. 1606 is when William Janz became the first European to land in Australia. This marked the beginning of European understanding of Australia's history.

How old is Australian history?

Australia's history could be said to begin with the Aboriginal people who first settled on the continent about 5000 years ago. 1606 is when William Janz became the first European to land in Australia. This marked the beginning of European understanding of Australia's history.

What year did Dirk Hartog land on the west coast of Australia?

Dirk Hartog landed on Australia's west coast in 1616.

Where is Australia's most agricultural land?

Most of Australia's agricultural land is in the southeastern quadrant and along the eastern coast.

Which state did James Cook see first?

James Cook was the first European to sight the eastern coast of Australia. He was the one who claimed it for England, calling it "New South Wales".However, the first point of land seen by Cook and his crew was Point Hicks, which lies in what is now Victoria.