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There were no kings during the revolution. That was the point, to get rid of the monarchy. Though at the beginning there was Louis the.....(think it was idea)!!?

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King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.

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Q: Who were the kings in the french revolution?
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What is the role of the bourbon kings in the french revolution?

Louis XVI became a victim of the guillotine during the French Revolution.

Why are there no kings or queens in France?

The French monarchy was abolished in the French Revolution about 200 years ago.

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Where did French kings live before the French Revolution?

The Palace of Versailles after it was constructed by King Louis XIV.

Did the French have a king?

The French used to have kings, until the French revolution. The King Louis XVI (the 16th) was executed in 1793 during the revolution. At the end of the Napoleonic period (1815), monarchy was reinstated but the French ousted their last king in 1848. There hasn't be a king in France since then.

Why was Europe worried about the french revolution?

All the absolutistic rulers in Europe were frightened of a similar revolution in their countries. (In the absolute monarchies the kings decided on everything ignoring the Parliament.)

Why is the French Revolution considered as a world revolution?

Because it went against all established concepts of power: no more kings and privileges. Out of it came the Declaration of Rights of Men

Why did European rulers denounce the French Revolution?

Because they feared that the revolution would carry over to their countries.

Name the revolution which challanged the theory of divine right of kings?

Though there have been many the French and American revolutions were major ones.

What was the role played by the kings and queens of France in building the Eiffel?

Kings and queens had no role in building the Eiffel tower. The last French king was ousted by the 1848 revolution. The decision to build a landmark 300 meters iron tower was taken in the mid 1880s. France was then a Republic. The connection you can make with kings is that the Eiffel tower had to be completed for the opening of the 1889 World Fair, marking the hundredth anniversary of the French revolution of 1789.

General reputation of french soldiers plus white flags?

Until the Revolution, French soldiers marched under the banner of the Bourbon Kings, which was white. So a white flag olriginally was used for surrendering TO the French.