Most countries in Africa are less than 100 years old due to altruism and greed. Slavery was abolished first in France. Then, when England abolished slavery, there was pressure on the government to end the slave trade. The only way to end it was to gain control of the places where it existed. To do that, England and France had to go to Africa and conquer the areas that sold slaves. To maintain trade, they had to find other products to sell. They destroyed a lot of the landscape getting whatever they could. They did not rebuild the great infrastructure or culture destroyed by the Arab slave traders a few centuries earlier. So the European powers created their colonies to stop slavery. They used them to take commodities and not to better the people or teach the people how to improve their own lot. When the Arab states started giving up slavery it became safe for the old states to gain their freedom. The southern part of Sudan is still suffering from Arab slavers. Its culture and infrastructure are in shambles. Other places have children enslaved and forced into the military. Women are enslaved and forced into prostitution. Only Ethiopia remained free and maintains the old culture. Egypt kept most of its old culture. Those nations stand in sharp contrast to some other nations. So, when it became safe for the nations to become free from Arab slavers, they were made free.
The most populated areas are the southern part of West Africa. the nations of Morocco and Algeria, the Nile Valley, the region around Lake Victoria, and the eastern part of Southern Africa Hope this helps :D
The most common social problems in Africa over the past fifty years have been genocide with the tribes within the continent and the problems with racial tension in South Africa between the British and the native South Africans.
In Africa
false Most European nations have one dominant culture.
It wasn't easy, there was a lot of war (eg. Boer War against dUTCH AND bRITISH, in South Africa) I am from SA ANSWER: ANywaz the point is that, European Nations were the most powerful at that time, they could take over and do whatever they wanted
Africa has the most nations, with 54 countries.
Africa has the most nations at 55.
There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.There have been 29 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. Egypt have won the most, having won it 7 times.
Africa is actually a continent with over 30 nations. Some of nations are developed and some or not. South Africa is the most developed.
Africa has the most independent countries, including island nations. Africa is home to 54 countries, making it the continent with the highest number of countries.
The most recent famine in Africa is the Horn Of Africa famine which was declared to be a famine by the United Nations in July of 2011.
Africa and America
Nigeria, then you have Ethiopia, Egypt, DRC and South Africa as the top 5 populous nations of Africa.
Most of the continent of Africa had been colonized by the year 1900. The African colonization was one by 7 European nations.
Africa is the continent in the southern hemisphere with the most countries. It is home to 54 countries, including large nations like South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt.