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Q: Why did European nations face financial challenges after World War 1?
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Is the United Nations a union of European nations?

No. The United Nations has members from all over the world. The European Union is an organisation that has members from Europe.

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What 10 nations make up the European commonwealth?

In the real world there is no such thing as the European commonwealth.

Who established world bank?

the united nations monetary and financial conference.

Who established the world bank?

the united nations monetary and financial conference.

True or false after world war 1 the United States was in debt to European nations?

False. The United States became the primary creditor for European nations.

Did The Potsdam meetings determine the future of occupied European nations following World War 2?

Yes, the Postdam Meetings determined the future of occupied European nations following World War 2.

What effects did world war have on empires that had been created by European nations?

Many nations granted freedom to their colonies.

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The world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

Marshall Plan

What was practiced by European nations before World War 1?

Liberalism, imperialism.

How did the U.S. try to help European nations devastated by World War 1?

The US tried to help European nations that were devastated by World War 1 in various ways. There was so much money spent by the US government to help in rebuilding this nations and stabilizing their economies.