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Q: Why did Marxists come to believe that this distinction was paramount for understanding history?
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What did pure marxists believe about capitalism?

I don’t know about ‘pure Marxists’, but Marxists believe that capitalism inevitably involves exploitation, inequality and widespread poverty.

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Do Marxists believe that society is divided by social class?

Of course. Don't you? It's believed by capitalists too, but they argue it's a necessity because it keeps economy running. Marxists call this division "class struggle", and these classes are: the bourgeoisie (the owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (the workforce).

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Faith is what you believe in; religion is how you practice it.

What do instrumental Marxists consider as essential for them to do with law and justice?

Instrumental Marxists believe that law and justice serve as tools used by the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the working class. They see the legal system as a means of perpetuating inequality and exploitation. Therefore, instrumental Marxists aim to challenge and transform the legal system in order to achieve a more just and equitable society.

Why did early Marxists believe that nation states should be abolished?

Early Marxists, always viewed the world as single society. Even those may still actually exist believe that all local, regional or national differences are negligible compared with the leveling and equalizing effects of capitalism. Nationhood, therefore is doomed to be abolished. This "world view" has been absorbed by non-Marxists. In the view of many analysts the European Union takes on this view. The Brexit movement in the UK has been a set back for this form f thinking.

What is the basic reasoning behind the Marxist theory?

Marxism is based on the fact that they believe capitalism abuses the workers in a nation. They believe that class struggle is inevitable and will cause workers to rebel against their capitalist oppressors. Marxists believe that communism is scientifically the end result of a communist regime.

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The meaning,i think,dont believe me but i think it means ''Distinction''

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You can believe her by trusting and understanding her. Tell her that you love her and see what she does.

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Beyond human understanding

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unggoy means monkey in filipino. i don't believe there is a male or female distinction.

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I believe there is. it comes out this fall from my understanding.